
Submissions for the GNLU Journal of Law and Economics are accepted on a rolling basis round the year. Post the submission, the manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer-review process by the experts before the confirmation of the publication. Also, we will verify the similarity index report.

Following are the general guidelines to be followed by the authors-

The authors are requested to follow APA Citation style uniformly and also include an abstract of about 200-250 words and 3-4 keywords in their manuscripts.

Following are the word limits for an article and Book Reviews/case commentary/short note:

1. Articles (6000-9000 words, excluding footnotes)

2. Book Reviews/Case Commentary/ Short Notes (1500-3500 words, excluding footnotes)

Soft copies of manuscripts and abstracts are to be uploaded through google form provided in the form of MS Word (2003 or 2007 or 2010 or 2013) as an attachment,

Link for upload : Click Here

In case an issue occurs with the above link authors are requested to contact