Is the Reverse CIRP a Tailor-Made Remedy for Homebuyers?
by Palak Kumar The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (“IBC, 2016”) was brought in, interalia,
by Palak Kumar The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (“IBC, 2016”) was brought in, interalia,
– Soumya Hariharan, Nandita Sahai, Sakshi Agarwal & Akrathi Shetty The automobile sector has undergone significant
-Mark D White The economic approach to law is by any measure the most successful
– Palak Jain The Economic Darwinism in the past three centuries has resulted in a significant
– Lucas Bento Limited liability is considered to be “the feature” of corporate law. From
– Frank Fagan Imagine that a U.S. bank wishes to develop a predictive model for
– Shubhangi Maheshwari A contingency fee is a contractual arrangement between a client and an
Picture Source: –Adrika Bisen (IInd year, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar) The basic legal
Picture Source: – Vishal Sinha (Vth year, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar) Economics has
– Rattanmeek Kaur (IInd year, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar) INTRODUCTION After the Navtej Singh