Study On The Application Of Forensic Analytics In Early-Stage Occupational Fraud Detection

– Dr. Himanshu Thakkar, Ms. Gopika Gopan, Ms. Anshu Singh, Dr. Siddharth Dabhade
Occupational fraud is the most prevalent threat affecting developed and developing countries. According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, India has the highest occupational fraud rate among Southern Asian countries. As technology advances, criminals are looking for innovative ways to commit crimes. The effects of fraud on companies include loss of reputation, weakening of investors’ confidence, reduction of profit, and lowering moral values of employees. The study aims to evaluate the most recent preventative measures organizations have implemented to reduce occupational fraud. The researchers have highlighted the value of forensic analytics in detecting and preventing occupational fraud. This research is based on a mixed method. Results suggest forensic analytics is crucial for detecting occupational fraud at early stages.
Keywords: Forensic analytics, Occupational fraud, Employee fraud, Forensic auditing
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