Subsidies to the Indian Sugar Sector: In Coherence with India’s WTO Obligations

–Advik Jha
This paper attempts to analyze the validity of the allegations levied against India with regard to violations of its WTO obligations relating to providing domestic support and export incentives to the sugar industry. The paper will commence by giving a brief synopsis of the growth of the world sugar trade over a period of time and the sensitivity of this commodity for trade. In Part II, a few significant disputes relating to sugar which have been brought to the WTO for adjudication would be discussed. In Part III, an overview of the Indian sugar industry would be given. In Part IV, the paper will look in depth at the allegations which have been brought by countries such as Brazil, Australia and Guatemala against India with regard to India’s WTO obligations in the sugar industry. Part V of the paper will delve into the possible defenses which India can adopt to refute these allegations. Part VI of the paper will suggest some policy changes which need to be implemented by India to get its measures within the WTO obligations for the future.
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