Economic Analysis of Euthanasia

– Ishita Shukla & Ayush Yadav
Amidst the various indispensable rights, the Indian Judiciary has varied substantially with regards to Article 21, but it is not black and white on the Right to Die. This onset a debate that whether or not, Article 21 recognizes the ‘Right to Die with dignity as a core to Right to Life and Personal Liberty. Many scholars across the globe fathom death as an inevitable part of life and hence advocate encircling the Right to Die within the ambit of Article 21. Another section regards death as an autonomous phenomenon under no one’s control. The assumption of rational autonomy, which has considerable value in many legal contexts, deserves to be treated with special caution when applied to medical practice. Around the1900s Euthanasia evolved as one of the most controversial subjects in Europe, both in the medical and the legal aspect. The black law dictionary defines euthanasia as “the act or practice of painlessly putting to death persons suffering from incurable and distressing disease as an act of mercy.” The debate on Euthanasia has been dominated mostly by the ethicist and philosophers due to its emotive nature. However, the inclusion of Economics within the debate can help to access the situations more widely and form more rational decisions.
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